Top 4 Most Bizarre Ocean Creatures

1. Pink Sea Through Fantasia


The Pink Sea Through Fantasia is an incredible creature that was only recently discovered. It’s family of the free swimming sea cucumber. The Pink Sea Through Cucumber was found in the Celebes Sea.

The Pink Sea Through Fantasia  was discovered at a depth of approximately 8,200 ft. The amazing creature was discovered by a team of scientists and underwater photographers.

2. Sea Angel


Sea angels are a large group of extremely small, swimming sea slugs. They have a wide geographic range, from polar regions, under sea ice, to tropic seas. They are family of the Gymnosomata.

Gymnosomata are carnivorous, feeding only on their fellow pteropods, the Thecosomata. Their lifestyles have coevolved with those of their prey, with their feeding strategy adapting to the morphology and consistency of the thecosome shell.

3. Glowing Sucker Octopus


These weird looking octopuses can be found at great depths in the north Atlantic Ocean. Their name came from the fact that they emit a blue-green light from about 40 modified suckers known as photophores.

The function of the light is believed to be for defence, being used by the animal to scare off predators , and also as a lure for the plankton that form its main diet.

4. Squidworm


Not much is known about these little creatures yet, because they only recently discovered them. Squidworms live about 100 to 200 metres above the ocean floor. Teuthidodrilus does not appear to be a predator, feeding instead on bits of so-called “marine snow”, a mix of sinking microscopic plants and animals.

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