Top 4 Worst Natural Disasters

1. 1931 China Floods


The 1931 China floods were a series of floods that occurred in the Republic of China. The floods are generally considered among one of the deadliest natural disasters ever recorded. The total death toll ranges from 145,000 to between 3.7 million and 4 million. The reason for the huge difference in death is because Chinese sources say one thing and Western sources says another. Nine cyclones hit the region, whereas on average only two occur per year.

2. 1556 Shaanxi Earthquake

Map of China showing modern-day Shaanxi
province (red) and the other provinces
affected by the earthquake (orange)

Red and orange show parts affected by the earthquake.

1556 Shaanxi Earthquake was the deadliest earthquake on record, killing approximately 830,000 people. It occurred on the morning of 23 January 1556 in Shaanxi.

An 840-kilometre-wide (520 mi) area was destroyed that morning, and in some counties as much as 60% of the population was killed. Most of the population in the area at the time lived in yaodongs, artificial caves in many of which collapsed with catastrophic loss of life.

3. 1887 Yellow River Flood


The 1887 Yellow River flood was a devastating flood on the Yellow River (Huang He) in China. The flood, that began in September 1887, killed some 900,000 people.

The 1887 and the 1931 floods happened at the same place, Yellow River. In both cases many people lost their lives and many were left homeless.

4. 1976 Tangshan Earthquake


The 1976 Tangshan Earthquake is believed to be the largest earthquake of the 20th century by death toll. The number of deaths on average is between 300 000 and 600 000.

The earthquake hit in the early morning and lasted 14 to 16 seconds. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter magnitude scale and it was followed by a major 7.1 magnitude aftershock some 16 hours later, increasing the death toll to over 255,000.

Top 4 Most Bizarre Ocean Creatures

1. Pink Sea Through Fantasia


The Pink Sea Through Fantasia is an incredible creature that was only recently discovered. It’s family of the free swimming sea cucumber. The Pink Sea Through Cucumber was found in the Celebes Sea.

The Pink Sea Through Fantasia  was discovered at a depth of approximately 8,200 ft. The amazing creature was discovered by a team of scientists and underwater photographers.

2. Sea Angel


Sea angels are a large group of extremely small, swimming sea slugs. They have a wide geographic range, from polar regions, under sea ice, to tropic seas. They are family of the Gymnosomata.

Gymnosomata are carnivorous, feeding only on their fellow pteropods, the Thecosomata. Their lifestyles have coevolved with those of their prey, with their feeding strategy adapting to the morphology and consistency of the thecosome shell.

3. Glowing Sucker Octopus


These weird looking octopuses can be found at great depths in the north Atlantic Ocean. Their name came from the fact that they emit a blue-green light from about 40 modified suckers known as photophores.

The function of the light is believed to be for defence, being used by the animal to scare off predators , and also as a lure for the plankton that form its main diet.

4. Squidworm


Not much is known about these little creatures yet, because they only recently discovered them. Squidworms live about 100 to 200 metres above the ocean floor. Teuthidodrilus does not appear to be a predator, feeding instead on bits of so-called “marine snow”, a mix of sinking microscopic plants and animals.

Top 4 Most Haunted Places

1. Eastern State Penitentiary, Pennsylvania, United States


Eastern State Penitentiary is a former prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania built in 1829. It’s best known for being the very first prison of its kind to introduce solitary confinement. Due to the harsh approach, many prisoners were drove to insanity, and as a result the Pennsylvania System was scrapped
in 1913.

Paranormal reports include:
– an evil cackling is heard coming from
cellblock 12
– Shadowy figures that seem to quickly turn away when approached
– ghostly faces have been witnessed in
cellblock 4

2. Castle of Good Hope – Cape Town, South Africa


The Castle of Good Hope in Cape Town, South Africa was built in the 17th century by the Dutch East India Company.

One of the most popular stories associated with the Castle is of the former governor Pieter Gysbert van Noodt. He died on 23 April 1728, the same day he had sentenced to death seven soldiers who were caught attempting to desert the military. It’s believed one of the soldiers placed a curse on him and demanded he came to watch the execution, which he didn’t. Later that day, Van Noodt was found dead slouched over his desk with a look of terror on his face.

3. Ancient Ram Inn, Gloucestershire, England


The Ancient Ram Inn was built in 1147 is believed to be the most haunted house in the entire British Isles, and perhaps the most haunted house in the world. The tales of child sacrifices, devil worship, and evil spirits are believed to be behind the terrifying happenings in this building.

During its time as a bed and breakfast, people would often flee in the middle of the night, often seeing full bodied apparitions in their rooms, the feeling of being touched/pulled, disembodied voices, and the just the general feeling of evil.

4. Island of the Dolls – Xochimilco, Mexico


The island La Isla de la Munecas (The Island of the Dolls) is certainly one of the strangest haunted locations in our list. In the 1950’s, a man named Julian Santan Barrera moved to the island.

Legend says that three young girls were playing near the water in the 1920’s, when one of the girls fell in and drowned in the murky waters.

Julian claimed that as soon as he moved on the island a little girl began speaking to him. The girl told Julian how she had died, and that she was trapped on the island. He began to get the dolls for this little girl, often selling off fruit and vegetables that he had grown on the island, so that he could buy old dolls for her to play with. Julian later told his nephew that it was becoming more difficult to appease the young girl’s thirst for these dolls, with him seemingly worried that she wanted him to join her in her watery grave. The same day he had this discussion, his nephew was returning to the island, when he found his uncle face down in the canal. His body was in the same spot where the little girl had apparently drowned seventy years before.

Top 4 Mythical Creatures That Were Real

1. Kraken


The Kraken is widely believed to have been inspired by a giant squid. With eyes like beach balls, a giant squid is big for sure, but it lacks a certain… monstrosity. It’s not something we could see tearing a boat apart. But recently a Colossal Squid was discovered in the Southern Ocean. It’s estimated to be about forty-six feet (fourteen meters) in length and in addition to suckers, its limbs are lined with sharp hooks , some that swivel and others that have three points. Now that could do some damage.

2. Imoogi


Korean legends speak of Imoogi —enormous pythons believed to be juvenile dragons. It is said that the Imoogi lived in water or caves, and had to survive for a thousand years before they could ascend to heaven and become true, fully-formed dragons.

In South America there is a python of such gigantic proportions that we might mistake it for a young dragon.
The Titanoboa was roughly 46 feet (14 meters) in length and weighed over a ton. It constricted at a force of 400psi, which is like having 1.5 times the Brooklyn Bridge on top of you, and it could swallow a human without even
showing a bulge. Luckily they went extinct long ago.

3. Hobbits


Excavations of a limestone cave on the Indonesia island of Flores uncovered a three-foot-tall skeleton with a skull one third the size of a normal human. A hobbit. Researchers discovered the bones of nine such people, the youngest of which dates back about 12,000 years. They also found tools and other signs of civilization. There are skeptics who believe the hobbits are simply humans that suffered from a growth inhibiting
condition such as microcephaly, but the popular opinion among scientists is that the hobbits are a separate species like Neanderthals that shared a common ancestor with humans.

4. Dragons


Theories as to what inspired stories of dragons include lost crocodiles and dinosaur bones, but we can’t call these real dragons because humans never encountered dinosaurs, and crocodiles are too small. That’s where the Megalania comes in, an ancient relative of the Komodo Dragon that terrorized the Aboriginals of Australia. It grew to
lengths of up to twenty-six feet (eight meters) and weighed up to 4,300 pounds (1.9 tons). Its poisonous saliva contained a blood thinner that caused its victims to bleed to death.

Top 4 Creepiest Forests

1. Dow Hill, India


Dow Hill is one of Indian’s most haunted locations. As tourists flock to Dow Hill, reports of paranormal activity have since skyrocketed. Witnesses claim to have seen a headless boy wandering
around the forest. There is also a high
school in the area, which residents
believe to be haunted as well, with reports of footsteps and laughter coming
from the halls when the school is empty
during the holidays.

2. Devil’s Tramping Ground, North Carolina


They say that dogs won’t go near the
site, and that nothing grows within 40
feet of this circle. A camper once reported that he saw two hunters talking to a man whose face “looked like…it was falling off.”

3. Pinewoods Cemetery, New York


Not only is this place patrolled by the
police, it’s supposedly extremely haunted. People have reported dark
figures silently following them, as well
as screams coming from beyond the
darkness within the cemetery. Locals
say it’s a gateway to Hell.

4. Epping Forest, England


This forest has seen a lot of crime. It was used as a hideout for criminals as
well as a burial ground for victims. According to locals, most of the hauntings are clustered around High
Beach and Epping Road. Sometimes,
after sundown, one can hear war drums
beating in the darkness by the Loughton
Camp. If you’re driving through, avoid
the Wake Arms roundabout. Headless
men, apparitions of women are supposedly frequent and figures will
run out in front of your car, hoping to
force you into an accident.

That is our list of Top 4 Creepiest Forests. I will try to find better photos and update it. Comment and please share.

Top 4 Alien Related Photos

1. Life on Mars?


This photo was taken by the Curiosity Rover. According to alien researchers and conspiracy theorists it proves there was once an ancient civilisation on Mars.

Sceptics argue on the other hand that it’s merely textures on the rocks and shadows forming.

2. Valpara, Mexico, 2004


This photo shows lights in a circular shape hanging over Valpara. The photo was taken by Manuel Aguirre, a newspaper reporter. It is considered one of the most legitimate photos.

3. McMinnville, Oregon, 1950


This photo was photographed by Paul Trent and is another famous photo. The photo was published in the local newspaper shortly after. These photos have been deemed authentic for over fifty years.

4. Waterbury, Connecticut, 1987


The history behind this photo was very interesting to me while I read about it and the reason for this is, because of what the objects in the photo did. Here’s the story.

Randy Etting, a pilot with more than 30 years experience, was walking outside his home during this event. On the night he took the photograph, he saw a number of orange and red lights approaching from the west. He got his
binoculars and called his neighbors to come outside. The object, by this time was a great deal closer. The UFO displayed a semi-circular pattern of very bright multicolored lights with no sound. Five motorists reported that, as the object became visible, a number of cars lost power and had to pull off the highway.”

Now it’s up to you to decide if you believe or not, but I believe that there could be some sort of life somewhere out there. Comment and please share.

Top 4 Egyptian Technologies

Yes if you did not know before, now you know, Egyptians did have technology and they even invented some of the technologies we still use to this day. Take a look at my list of Top 4 Egyptian Technologies:

1. Paper and Writing


The word paper comes from the Greek term for the ancient Egyptian writing material called papyrus , which was formed from beaten strips of papyrus plants. Papyrus was produced as
early as 3000 BC in Egypt, and sold to ancient Greece and Rome.

2. Lighthouses


In Hellenistic Egypt, lighthouse technology was developed, the most famous example being the Lighthouse of Alexandria . Alexandria was a port for the ships that traded the goods manufactured in Egypt or imported into Egypt. A giant cantilevered hoist lifted cargo to and from ships. The lighthouse itself was designed by Sostratus of Cnidus and built in the 3rd century BC (between 285 and 247 BC) on the
island of Pharos in Alexandria, Egypt, which has since become a peninsula. This lighthouse was renowned in its time and knowledge of it was never lost.

3. Navigation and Ship Building


The Ancient Egyptians used the science of aerodynamics to gather knowledge about sail construction. The earliest
Egyptian sails were simple and used to catch the wind and push a vessel. Later Egyptian sails dating to 2400 BCE were built with the recognition that ships could sail against the wind using the side wind. Queen Hatshepsut oversaw the preparations and funding of an expedition of five ships, each measuring seventy feet long, and with several sails.

4. Toothpaste


Because their bread had so much grit and sand in it, the Egyptians had a lot of problems with their teeth. They invented the toothbrush and toothpaste in an effort to take care of their teeth. They used a wide variety of ingredients to make their toothpaste including ashes, eggshells, and even ground up ox hooves.

Thats it for my list of Top 4 Egyptian Technologies. Check out my other posts for more lists of stuff.

Top 4 Predictions That Came True


1. World War II
The three seers of Our Lady of Fátima
indicated in 1917 that the Virgin Mary had prophesied a “great sign in the night sky” which would precede a second great war. On January 25, 1938, bright lights (an aurora borealis) appeared all over the northern hemisphere, visible from all of Europe and from places as far south as North Africa, Bermuda
and California. This, the widest occurrence of the aurora since 1709, caused people in Paris and elsewhere to
believe that a great fire was burning and to call fire departments.

Lúcia, the sole surviving seer at the time, indicated that it was the sign foretold and apprised her superior and bishop accordingly in letters the following day. Six weeks later, Germany began its first unlawful seizure of foreign land, the occupation of Austria.

2. Prediction of cell phones and wi-fi
More than sixty years before the first cell phone and ninety years prior to the introduction of “wi-fi”, Nikola Tesla, a gifted electrical engineer and former right-hand man of Thomas Edison, told the New York Times , “It will soon be possible to transmit wireless messages all over the world so simply that any individual can carry and operate his own apparatus.”

3. Mormon prophecies
Section 87 of the Mormon Doctrine and
Covenants, written in 1832, accurately
predicts that South Carolina will begin a war of the South against the North and call on Great Britain for assistance.

4. Bahá’í prophecies
The Báb proclaimed that he was the forerunner of a coming prophet, ” he whom God shall make manifest “. Followers of the Bahá’í Faith believe that Bahá’u’lláh was this prophet. In 1873, Bahá’u’lláh , who was living at the time in Acre in Ottoman Palestine, prophesied that Germany would lose one war and then fight another: “O banks of the Rhine! We have seen you covered with gore, inasmuch as the swords of retribution were drawn against you; and you shall have another turn. And We hear the lamentations of Berlin, though she be today in conspicuous glory.”

Thats it for Top 4 Predictions That Came True. Check out my other lists of Top 4 Stuff.