Top 4 Most Haunted Places

1. Eastern State Penitentiary, Pennsylvania, United States


Eastern State Penitentiary is a former prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania built in 1829. It’s best known for being the very first prison of its kind to introduce solitary confinement. Due to the harsh approach, many prisoners were drove to insanity, and as a result the Pennsylvania System was scrapped
in 1913.

Paranormal reports include:
– an evil cackling is heard coming from
cellblock 12
– Shadowy figures that seem to quickly turn away when approached
– ghostly faces have been witnessed in
cellblock 4

2. Castle of Good Hope – Cape Town, South Africa


The Castle of Good Hope in Cape Town, South Africa was built in the 17th century by the Dutch East India Company.

One of the most popular stories associated with the Castle is of the former governor Pieter Gysbert van Noodt. He died on 23 April 1728, the same day he had sentenced to death seven soldiers who were caught attempting to desert the military. It’s believed one of the soldiers placed a curse on him and demanded he came to watch the execution, which he didn’t. Later that day, Van Noodt was found dead slouched over his desk with a look of terror on his face.

3. Ancient Ram Inn, Gloucestershire, England


The Ancient Ram Inn was built in 1147 is believed to be the most haunted house in the entire British Isles, and perhaps the most haunted house in the world. The tales of child sacrifices, devil worship, and evil spirits are believed to be behind the terrifying happenings in this building.

During its time as a bed and breakfast, people would often flee in the middle of the night, often seeing full bodied apparitions in their rooms, the feeling of being touched/pulled, disembodied voices, and the just the general feeling of evil.

4. Island of the Dolls – Xochimilco, Mexico


The island La Isla de la Munecas (The Island of the Dolls) is certainly one of the strangest haunted locations in our list. In the 1950’s, a man named Julian Santan Barrera moved to the island.

Legend says that three young girls were playing near the water in the 1920’s, when one of the girls fell in and drowned in the murky waters.

Julian claimed that as soon as he moved on the island a little girl began speaking to him. The girl told Julian how she had died, and that she was trapped on the island. He began to get the dolls for this little girl, often selling off fruit and vegetables that he had grown on the island, so that he could buy old dolls for her to play with. Julian later told his nephew that it was becoming more difficult to appease the young girl’s thirst for these dolls, with him seemingly worried that she wanted him to join her in her watery grave. The same day he had this discussion, his nephew was returning to the island, when he found his uncle face down in the canal. His body was in the same spot where the little girl had apparently drowned seventy years before.

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