Top 4 Egyptian Technologies

Yes if you did not know before, now you know, Egyptians did have technology and they even invented some of the technologies we still use to this day. Take a look at my list of Top 4 Egyptian Technologies:

1. Paper and Writing


The word paper comes from the Greek term for the ancient Egyptian writing material called papyrus , which was formed from beaten strips of papyrus plants. Papyrus was produced as
early as 3000 BC in Egypt, and sold to ancient Greece and Rome.

2. Lighthouses


In Hellenistic Egypt, lighthouse technology was developed, the most famous example being the Lighthouse of Alexandria . Alexandria was a port for the ships that traded the goods manufactured in Egypt or imported into Egypt. A giant cantilevered hoist lifted cargo to and from ships. The lighthouse itself was designed by Sostratus of Cnidus and built in the 3rd century BC (between 285 and 247 BC) on the
island of Pharos in Alexandria, Egypt, which has since become a peninsula. This lighthouse was renowned in its time and knowledge of it was never lost.

3. Navigation and Ship Building


The Ancient Egyptians used the science of aerodynamics to gather knowledge about sail construction. The earliest
Egyptian sails were simple and used to catch the wind and push a vessel. Later Egyptian sails dating to 2400 BCE were built with the recognition that ships could sail against the wind using the side wind. Queen Hatshepsut oversaw the preparations and funding of an expedition of five ships, each measuring seventy feet long, and with several sails.

4. Toothpaste


Because their bread had so much grit and sand in it, the Egyptians had a lot of problems with their teeth. They invented the toothbrush and toothpaste in an effort to take care of their teeth. They used a wide variety of ingredients to make their toothpaste including ashes, eggshells, and even ground up ox hooves.

Thats it for my list of Top 4 Egyptian Technologies. Check out my other posts for more lists of stuff.

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